Sumo Farmer

Welcome to Clarta Village
Raising Cattles
Rice and Vegetable Farming
Welcome to Clar Village located in Suakoko District in Bong County. The village is located between the Woh and Balan Rivers. Clarta village was established in the early 1900’s and it is one of the oldest villages in Suakoko District. The adjacent villages are Butesue and Vanhia. Clarta village was the center of trade among Mandingoes, Fulanies, and Kpelle traders. They traded in kola nuts, oranges, Butter Pears, vegetables, palm oil, goats, chickens, sheep, and dried river fishes. These traders came to our village either on Thursday evening or morning in order to purchase their goods for Suakoko Market Day on Friday.
As a tradition, our grand parents raised farm animals and birds such a goats, sheep, chickens, ducks, Guinea Fowls, and many small animals. We sold ground hogs and Deer on the farm. As grand children, we intend to follow the tradition in producing these animals and vegetables at a larger scale in the village.
As a child growing up in the village, one of my responsibilities was to ensure that I release the chickens from their cages in the morning and by evening, I ran after these chickens and put them back in their cages which were made out of bamboo reeves sticks. These reeves were cut in the swamp and allowed to dry.
We are currently planting Swamp Rice, Cassava, Bananas, Plantains, and cattles. Last year, we planted both upland and Swamp Rice. The havest was more than enough and the rice is in the kitchen. We will built a house last year and we are building a second house this year. By God’s Grace, we hope to complete the building of the pig pans, chicken house, and bring goats and cows that will be housed in a ban.